Why We Are Here (Part VI)

Why We Are Here

This week’s Why We Are Here is a special one.  It is dedicated to all of the caring fathers out there in the world.  Equality moves both ways, and we need to remember that when walking and working with our male counterparts in humanity’s symphony.  There are plenty of wonderful courageous men who work hard for equality right alongside the womenfolk and who practice doing the right thing.  At the same time, there are many who have dedicated themselves to learning how to do the right thing, in spite of thousands of years of cultural influence.  It is because of the education and other programs backed by Equality Now (and other worthy institutions) that these seekers of truth and equality have the chance to change the imbalance.

I was asked an honest question the other day, about keeping the signal going and if it really worked.   The question was not derogatory; this was not an attempt at knocking the efforts of the quest for equality.  Instead he wanted to know with hope in his voice and heart, if the actions of Equality Now and individuals connected with EN and other viable organizations, really were making a difference.  “Yes!”  I said.  Then I proceeded to give him examples of how Equality Now achieves victories in world law, perception and deed with their impassioned campaigns and illuminating education.

In the process of telling and showing, I came across something more.  I found out about the courageous men who are fighting culture and their places within it, in order to bring a balance and harmony back into the world.  It takes a lot of courage to stand up and say no, when everyone else you know and love is either indifferent or worse yet, saying yes.

South Africa’s Bafana Khumalo, offers gender workshops for African men in rural areas, striving to teach them among other things that equality for women will not be the downfall of society.  When interviewed for an article, he tells of how trepidation turned to joy when one of the older men attending raised his hand on the 3rd day of the class.  Instead of fighting what he had been taught all his life and practiced, he told of his illuminating thoughts.  This is what he shared.  “‘Yesterday, after I got home,” the participant began, “I called my sons, I called my wife, and I explained to them what we are doing in this workshop.” He told his children that things had to change in their home. No longer could their mother arrive home tired from a day of work and be expected to cook, clean, wash the dishes and clear up all on her own. It was simply unfair.” (From “Men fighting for women’s equality.”  on Afrik.com – en.afrik.com/article13786.html )

How amazing is that?  Seeds of hope planted in the rocky ground of tradition, spring to life and share their fragrant scent of equality with others – who will plant more.  This is what Equality Now helps bring about.  This is why we, who participate in Can’t Stop the Serenity year after year, continue to support their efforts.  Together we can plant a garden of equality

Our amazing communications guru, Jen Cummings, taught me about something very special, White Ribbon Day.  As their website states: “The White Ribbon Foundation of Australia aims to eliminate violence against women by promoting culture-change around the issue.”  More seeds planted which have bloomed into an international day of celebration and education.  (Quoted from their website at www.whiteribbonday.org.au/About-WRD-34.aspx )

The fine folk at Equality Now are a lot like Mal and the crew of Serenity.  Equality Now does whatever it takes to keep the signal going.  They get the word out all over the ‘Verse about the wrong done against women and they won’t let anyone stop them from doing what’s right.   Furthermore, they fund programs to help others see what’s wrong and how to transmute it to a powerful force of good.

Johann Schiller wrote: “It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.”  To all of you fathers with hearts of gold, we salute you today. (Including my wonderful groom of almost 19 years, who strongly supports my charity efforts, keeps me sane and going strong.)

Please also check out the Men Against Sexual Violence website, located www.menagainstsexualviolence.org/ As you can see, there are so many working to fight the good fight.  With the wonderful men in our lives who strive to do good, we are well on our way to achieving victory.

With warm regards,

Anne Barringer,
2009 Global Organizer
Can’t Stop the Serenity

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