Unsung Heroes

It takes a lot of people to have a successful Can’t Stop The Serenity year. Organizers and their crew do so much work that we can never say “thank you” adequately. If they didn’t step forward, there would be no CSTS events and no CSTS at all.
But they are not alone and this past year especially, people stepped forward to help others in ways that maybe haven’t been recognized as well as they should.
Until now.
These are only some of the Unsung Heroes we would like to recognize as the year draws to a close.

Ty came back this year to do the first run of Tshirts. Melanie and BirdandBear both took up the slack and did the rest of the orders, Mel in Canada and birdandbear for the 2nd run everywhere else. It is a lot of work and it can go wrong so easily. But it didn’t. Every year we have had Tshirts. Thanks to these three, 2014 was no exception.

William Pace, the Utah Browncoats; and Mary McKay-Eaton & Mike Jenkins of Fireflyprops.net made sure that every city had some swag arriving which was especially welcome in a year when CSTS Global couldn’t send anything out.

The Edmonton Browncoats run their own charity event now but sent auction items to a few cities who were very glad to get them.
Firefly Cargo Bay is no stranger to donating to CSTS events. But it seems that they went above and beyond this year. Everywhere we turned, another city was thanking one of these 2 generous Canadian organizations.

Groups in the U.K. helped each other out a lot. Often being new event cities themselves, they passed on everything from banners to leftover swag to other UK cities.
In Australia the same thing thing happened, with the new Melbourne Browncoats supporting the smaller groups by covering the cost of having a table at cons in other cities.

None of these people or groups made any money from this. Indeed, many of them were out of pocket because of their generous donation of time and items. This generosity is what being a Browncoat is all about.

Thanks to all of you.

Do you know any other unsung heroes everyone should know about? Comment below!

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