Tag Archives: CSTS10

A Short History of Can’t Stop the Serenity

Keeping flying for 10 years is no mean feat for any event, but it is a real achievement when every single person involved volunteers their time and resources for free.

To celebrate our tenth season we want to highlight some of our history. While many of you have known about us for a while now, one of the greatest things about Firefly is new Browncoats are discovering the series, and in turn us, all the time.

Here are a few things you may or may not know about Can’t Stop the Serenity.

It all began with one man’s idea. The One True b!X wanted to celebrate Joss’ birthday with a charity screening of Serenity, realizing it was a great idea he mentioned it on the message boards.… Read more…

My Journey to a Million Dollars with the Browncoats by Mandy Sullivan

Thirteen years ago, I had never heard of Firefly. I had been working at Equality Now for quite some time and, as usual, we were struggling for funding. I got a call one day, from Renee Balmert from something called “the California Browncoats.” She wanted our address in order to mail out a check to us representing proceeds from “ComicCon.” The check was for over $3000, a staggering amount of money from one donor, at least it was in our experience. Apparently Joss Whedon had told them we were his favorite charity and they decided to give all the money to us. We were thrilled and grateful and Renee and I started up a conversation as she explained to me what Firefly was and what the Browncoats were.… Read more…

Next Up This Fall

The events are over for the year. Thanks to all the Organizers and crew who put so much time and effort into making their events the best they could be.
The Virtual Shindig run by William and Thomas last week was great fun. It was good to see people from around the world participating. The Utah Browncoats were good enough to donate items for an auction which added still more money to Equality Now.

Speaking of auctions, the annual CSTS eBay auction will be coming up in November. There are always some must have items but this year there are a couple of items which will astonish you! Keep an eye out for more details as they come available.

And don’t forget, 2015 will be the 10th year of Can’t Stop the Serenity.… Read more…

CSTS 10th Year!

Did you know that 2015 will be the 10th year of Can’t Stop the Serenity? We’ve got some ideas on how to celebrate, but we’d love to hear your thoughts! What would you like to see included in next year’s celebrations?

We want to raise the profile of both CSTS and Equality Now. We want to raise even more money for all the wonderful charities we’ve been supporting.

So how do we do it? You tell us. Go big! Go wild! While we probably can’t have a sequel to Serenity, there’s no harm in hoping.

Not near a CSTS event? What can we do for you to help you celebrate? (Besides encouraging you to run an event yourself!)

Send your ideas and questions to info@cantstoptheserenity.com, post on our Facebook page or send your thoughts via Twitter using the hashtag #CSTS10.… Read more…