Tag Archives: raffle

The First Event of the Season – in South Wales!

It is always a great moment when CSTS starts up for the year. This year it is doubly exciting because it is a new event.

The Valley Browncoats in Wales are having a screening on April 14th. It’s being held in Blackwood and it promises to be great.
It is, of course, Easter Break and so this is an event for the whole family to begin with. For kids of all ages there are activities like Mask painting while the older ones can try out the new Serenity Board Game.

Firefly themed food will be available including Fruity Oaty Bars and Mudders Milk. (Non-alcoholic for the young’ns).

Join a team to challenge your knowledge of all things Whedon and Sci-Fi related and buy some shiny merchandise including hand crafted keyrings and earrings.… Read more…

London brings back CSTS

Saturday, Sept. 7th, The Londinium Browncoats welcome all to the Jet Lag Bar. There will be a showing of Serenity & Dr. Horrible but that’s not all!

Put together your favourite Whedonite costume for the cosplay competition. Brush on your Firefly/Serenity facts for the Quiz and hold onto your tickets for the raffle. The Londinium Browncoats have been getting shiny prizes for the raffle from around the world.

And just when you think that will be it, there’s an afterparty!

Please note this is an over 18 event only. … Read more…

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Desert

Saturday Aug 17 is a busy busy day for Can’t Stop the Serenity with three events running.

First up, with the doors opening at 4:00, is a Mighty Fine Shindig put on by the South Florida Browncoats. There will be raffles, merchandise, Serenity of course and a lot of mixing and mingling. A costume contest is sure to please as will a screening of Dr. Horible.

Further up the coast, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, they aren’t satisfied to show Serenity and Dr. Horrible once! Nope, these Browncoats are offering a chance to see everything twice! Doors open at 4:30 with Dr. Horrible at 5:00, followed by Serenity at 6:00. Or you may prefer go to the later shows starting at 9:00. In between there will be a silent auction.… Read more…

Perth Takes Flight Aug. 3rd

For the first time since 2005, Serenity is back in a cinema in Perth! The Perth Browncoats hold their CSTS screening on Aug. 3rd followed by a now sold out Shindig.

There are discounted popcorn combos, a door prize, raffle, lucky dip bags & prize hampers. Costumes are encouraged, and there is a prize for the best dressed. The online auctions will end right before the movie starts, so that is your last and best chance to get the items you’ve been eyeing.

The shindig will have more auction items, raffles and bingo.

Will you be there to welcome back Serenity to the big screen?… Read more…

CSTS Travels the World

On Friday July 26, Halifax, Nova Scotia plays host to an Affilate event. At the lovely Museum of Natural History, the first two seasons of the Guild will be shown. Whether you are a fan of the funny Felicia Day or a true gamer, you’ll enjoy her take on life in the gaming world. Take this opportunity to buy tickets for the Screening of Serenity in August.

On Sunday, July 28, Raleigh is celebrating 8 years of running a Can’t Stop The Serenity event. Still at the Raleighwood Cinema Grill, where they started, the evening promises to be great fun. As always, there will be a raffle before the movie and if you want to enter the costume contest, you might want to get there when the doors open at 6:00.… Read more…

From one U.S. coast to another with a stop in the U.K. along the way.

The Seattle Browncoats aren’t content with doing a screening. They are doing two on the same day.
On Saturday July 13, the 2:00 matinee also features live entertainment in the form of Firebird’s Children. The “Special Hell” evening screening at 7:00 has pre-movie entertainment from NERDprov, followed by the movie with texting-to-screen Hecklevision available to all cell phones present.

Both screenings offer raffles including one very special prize, a Seattle CSTS tote bag autographed by Nathan Fillion.
The screenings are in a new venue this year, the Central Cinema, which has a full restaurant and bar.
Tickets are selling fast so get yours while you can.

One of our most faithful sponsors, the podcast Sending a Wave is also supporting Equality Now in a more direct fashion by holding an Affilate Event on July 13.… Read more…

We celebrate Joss’s birthday in a big way

When CSTS got started all the events were on or near Joss Whedon’s birthday, June 23. Some cities still hold their events that weekend.

First up on Friday is Lawrence, Kansas who are back with a screening. The ticket price has been lowered to only $8.00 but there is additional content with Felicia Day’s The Guild, Season 1 being shown.

Saturday June 22 has 4 screenings! Pittsburgh is back with their 8th screening. It’s in a new location, Off The Wall Theater in Carnegie, PA. This year they are asking for donations at the door rather than selling tickets in advance and are requesting $5.00 – $10.00. They have 2 silent auctions, games, raffles and of course, Serenity. After 7 previous screenings, you can be sure they know how to have a good time!… Read more…

Four Events. Three Countries.

Australia, Canada and the United States are all holding CSTS Screenings this weekend and not one event is the same!

The Browncoats of Shoalhaven, NSW, Australia are running their very first event. They will have a raffle, prizes for Best Dressed and will show Dr. Horrible as well as Serenity. The excitement is running high for this August 3rd screening!

The San Francisco,U.S. Browncoats have been running CSTS events since the beginning. Now in their 7th Year, they are rightfully proud of their new venue, the Delancy St. Screening Room. Among its many charms are the ergonomic chairs! The SF events will feature Dr. Horrible as well as Serenity. Don’t forget your Jayne Hat – there will be a Jayne Hat mob photo!

Grande Prairie, AB, Canada is another new member of the CSTS family.… Read more…

A Busy CSTS Weekend

It’s a busy weekend July 27 – 29 with multiple events happening.

Perth starts it off with a CSTS Shindig that promises much merriment and a costume contest and probably a drink or two.

Staying in Australia, there is another Affilate event by the New Melbourne Browncoats. They are showing Season 3 of The Guild on Saturday, July 28th. Everyone is welcome to head out for dinner afterwards.

Also on Saturday, the Rocky Mountain Browncoats are back for another year. There will be a costume contest before the showing of Serenity, so come prepared! The Cinema Grill is a full service restaurant and bar, so the shindig will start as soon as you enter!
After the tragic event in Aurora on July 20th, Denver CSTS will be giving 25% to the Aurora Shooting Victims Fund and they ask those who can’t make it to the screening to still give via the donate button on their website.Read more…